
My Science Fair investigation is beneficial to all restaurant / café owners and employees.  The staff at the cafes I tested are definitely not cleaning their tables and spaces enough. They need to know that they are not doing enough to prevent very harmful bacteria from growing on their tables. I recommend that all restaurants use a strong antibacterial agent to clean their tables, and then wipe with a clean cloth.  My results are also informative to the customers of these cafés. The customers may be at risk of getting a disease such as E Coli. It is useful to them because they need to make sure that they are at a restaurant where they can see the tables being cleaned properly and not just rely on the A grading, or they could take the risk of getting sick. Often cutlery is placed straight onto the table or part of the cutlery is exposed or touches the table and then we eat off it. Sometimes food falls on the table and we eat it anyway, so it's important that the restaurant tables are clean. My discovery was very interesting. It’s important to continually learn about bacteria because new strains are constantly evolving and bacteria may become resistant to antibiotics.